Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Long Distance

Hello all,

Good news! The doctors have said that Charlotte might be moving hospitals in the next 10 days! The possibilities are Great Ormond Street and St. Mary's, we're not sure which one yet.

Charlotte has been really suffering on her stomach and has pulled muscles in her chest from being sick whilst lying on her stomach. She is being moved from her stomach to her back, which is incredibly difficult and painful for her as it involves being 'flipped' over, and when she is so sensitive and her mucles are seized up, is incredibly painful for her.

She has been very quiet and down. We managed a few giggles when i went to see her, but for the most part she just wanted me to hold her hand and stroke her hair. Getting out of Broomfield will feel like a big step for her and do wonders for her motivation, i hope.

That's all the infio i have for now,

Lots of love



Blogger Lesley Ann said...

Hi Charlotte

Just read the blog you may be moving in the next couple of weeks great news, your Dad keeps us all informed how you are doing we all thinking of you, he is trying to look for a winnie the pooh that dresses up as snoop doggy dog!! as he says you like your rap but also like winnie the pooh bless him his been all over the north east looking for one think he is just going to have to dress one up. The fund raising night your Dad is organising is going well for the 4th Nov, all the tickets sold within a week! 400 at least coming to the night, sent Sophie an email with a link on so she could see inside the venue, very swanky were her words then again it is your Dad organising it so swanky had to be in there.

The meningitis trust are trecking around India next year to raise funds your Dad is thinking of doing it with some of his friends, good luck to them if they do it I cannot treck up the stairs without being out of breath!

Keep hanging in there easy said than done but your Dad describes you as a tough cookie and if you anything like him stubborn as a mule as well

All the best from
( And most of the North East)

3:50 PM  

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