Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Firstly we'd like to say a massive thank you to Caz and Lorraine for raising money for Charlotte's trust. Caz ran the half-marathon in London and raised a whopping £400 and Lorraine (far left in the picture above) ran the Glasgow 10K and raised an amazing £180!! And made a rather dashing t-shirt to show her support to the trust!Thank you both so much!!

Charlotte is doing brilliantly. She has started to have her schooling online on a programme called Accipio which is a virtual classroom where she can hear and talk to her teachers and other students.She is doing 5 GCSE's, PWL (preparation for working life), ICT, English, Maths and Science. She will go into school for half days on Fridays so she isnt missing out on the social side of school- although her friends are round every day so there's no chance of that :)

Charlotte participating in an internet lesson;

Thanks again for everyone's on-going support



Blogger anne-marie said...

Hi Charlotte,
Looks like you are doing really well.How is the schooling going ?Luca is jealous that you get schooled at home - its his first week back at school after nearly 4 months off for summer and he'd be happy if he never had to go again !! We had tears the 2nd day back , he asked how old he would be when he left and when I told him 16 he was devastated and said ' I'm only 9 thats another 7 years !!!'Well at least he can add up so it hasnt all been a waste of time !!I hope to see you very soon as I may come and see you and nanna when shes down in October .Say hi to your mum and Rachel and Sophie , lots of love from all of us here in Italy xxx ps forgot -hi to patrice as well hope she enjoyed her holiday xx

9:53 AM  
Blogger tracyb said...

Hi Charlotte,
It was great to meet with you yesterday even though you had to dash off. Hope it all went well and wasn't too boring. Look forward to talking to you again soon.
my email is

4:24 AM  

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